Our Vision
The Vision of the Myer Torbor Jr. Foundation is to give a voice to vulnerable populations
(especially children) across the globe by lending a helping hand.
About Us
The idea of the Myer S. Torbor Jr. Foundation came as an inspiration given to Rev. ST Sirleaf the morning of January 6, 2024, as he prepared to officiate the funeral service of young Myer S.Torbor Jr, who passed away on December 23, 2023, at the young age of 13 years. Myer S.Torbor Jr. was no ordinary child. His young life exemplified that of a guardian angel, sent to love, protect, guide, and support humanity. Young Myer spent his life loving and supporting his
parents and siblings, listening to, protecting, and providing for children in his community and school; sometimes by giving them his lunch. He just hated to see people, especially children suffering.
Young Myer would normally gather the kids in the community and share whatever he had with them. God inspired Rev. Sirleaf to challenge his parents to immortalize him through the Myer Torbor Jr. Foundation since he did not have the chance to live long enough to continue helping those in need.
Our Mission
The Mission of the Myer S. Torbor Jr. Foundation is to identify gaps within diverse societies that heavily impact vulnerable populations and take the needed steps to mitigate such gaps to ease
the pain of such populations.
Our Goals
The Myer S. Torbor Jr. Foundation is built upon these three foundational goals:
1. To ensure that every child is in school and cared for.
2. To ensure that no family is homeless or sleeps hungry.
3. To fight alongside local and international partners to end world hunger and human
our strategy
The strategies of the Myer S. Torbor Jr. Foundation to achieve its vision, mission, and goals include but are not limited to the following:
A. Host regular fundraiser events.
B. Work with local and international partners in raising awareness and support for vulnerable populations, especially children.
C. Giving scholarships and tuition assistance to vulnerable students across the globe, but especially in the global South.
D. Supporting food drives and feeding programs in schools and local communities around the world.
E. Donating aid to vulnerable populations around the world, especially in regions of conflicts and disasters.